
Past events

ABOASTRA – early music festival in Kakskerta church

Friday 24th of September at 7 p.m. – Orfeus of Amsterdam
Julia Tamminen, organ and harpsichord with vocal consort Ex Arte Lux

Friday 25th of September at 7 p.m. – Resounding Strings: Maikki Säikkä, soprano and Sanna Kola, mezzo soprano, with Tuomas Kourula, lute

Sunday 26th of September at 7 p.m. – The Spirit of Gambo: gamba consort Eloisa

Sunday  29th of August at 5 p.m. Suvi soi 2021, Kakskerta church
Magic of Spain: Cantus Alaudae (Tampere-Turku) with Ilpo Laspas, organ

Sunday 5th of September at 6.30 p.m. Qwensel house
Hanne Lund and Katriina Rainio, baroque violins

Sunday 12th of September at 6.30 p.m. Maaria church
Hanne Lund and Katriina Rainio, baroque violins & Patrik Kleemola, guitar

Friday 27th of August at 8 p.m. Luostaripäivät, Naantali church

Codex Illuminatus  – music from medieval manuscripts

Vocal consort Stella aboensis with Tuomas Kourula, lute and Julia Tamminen, organ

  • Stabat Mater (concert stream)

Alessandro Scarlatti: Stabat Mater

Orlando di Lasso: Lamentations for Maundy Thursday

Maikki Säikkä, soprano

Sanna Kola, mezzo-soprano
Hanne Lund, baroque violin
Virve Niemeläinen, baroque violin
Carolina Bjon, baroque cello
Julia Tamminen, harpsichord
Vocal group Ex Arte Lux
    • Saturday 21st November 2020 at 4 p.m. in Turku castle’s King’s Hall

    SEICENTO! – 17th century music on period instruments

    Frescobaldi, Geminiani, Palestrina, Gabrieli, Schütz, Weckmann, Pandolfi Mealli

    Juhani Listo, cornetto

    Maikki Säikkä, soprano
    Julia Tamminen, harpsichord
    Hanne Lund, baroque violin
    Sanna Kola, mezzo soprano
    Helena Vuola, baroque cello
    Anna-Maija Laiho-Ihekweazu, sackbut

    Tickets 25€ / 22€ / (20€ TVM members)

    Ticket reservations: info@turunvanhamusiikki.fi

  • Saturday 24th of October 2020 at  6.30 p.m. in the Qwensel house

Lute song duo Ophelia :The Second Book of Songes

The Second Booke of Songes, published in 1600, contains some of John Dowland’s most famous songs, such as Fine Knacks for Ladies, Flow My Tears and I Saw My Lady Weep. The historical surroundings of the Qwensel house museum wraps both the performers and the audience alike in its wonderful atmosphere  – welcome to the concert!

Ticekts 28€/24€ reduced/20€ members (payment only by card)

Because of coronavirus limitations, the hall can only accommodate twenty listeners. It’s a good idea to reserve tickets in advance!

We strongly recommend wearing a mask during the concert. More info here (in finnish).

  • Sunday 2nd August 2020 at 5 p.m. St. Martti church

Lute song duo Ophelia performs well-known songs by  John Dowland. Free entrance, voluntary payment for program leaf.

Some concerts were postponed because of Coronavirus:

  • Sunday 22nd March 2020 at 1 p.m. in Turku castle

A royal ball for children! A part of The Cchildren’s Music Festival, this concert invites kids to come and dance to the greatest dance music hits from the baroque era in the magnificent King’s Hall in the Turku castle.

Rameau & Lully

Hanne Lund, baroque violin
Anu Honkanen, traverso
Katja Kolehmainen, baroque cello
Julia Tamminen, harpsichord
Jouni Pusa, percussion
Tuomas Kourula, theorbo
Tickets: adults 15€, children 10€, children 0-3 years free, group ticket (2 kids and 2 adults OR 3 kids and 1 adult) 43€

  • Tuesday 7th April at 7 p.m.  St. Mark Church

Alessandro Scarlatti’s Stabat Mater

Maikki Säikkä, soprano
Sanna Kola, mezzo-soprano
Hanne Lund, baroque violin
Virve Niemeläinen, baroque violin
Carolina Bjon, baroque cello
Julia Tamminen, harpsichord
Vocal consort Ex Arte Lux

  • Friday 15th May at 6.30 p.m. Qwensel House

John Dowland: The Second Booke of Songes

We are continuing our series of concerts featuring the lute song books of John Dowland: this is the second installment. As before, the performed by Ophelia: (Sanna Kola,
mezzo-soprano & Tuomas Kourula, acrhlute).

  •  Sat 21st of December 2019 at 3 p.m.

 The Most Beautiful Olde Christmas Carols 2019 in the history classroom of restaurant Koulu (The School)

Feeling stressed by holiday shopping and preparations? Take a break and come to our traditional Christmas music concert in the warm and friendly atmosphere of the history classroom of the restaurant Koulu. Grab a suitable drink from the counter and sit down to enjoy old Christmastime music.

  • Sat 2nd of November 2019 at 3 p.m. in  St. Birgit memorial church,  Lempäälä

Lux noctem illuminat – Kyrie melodies from several centuries. Free entrance and program.

Vocal ensemble Cavalier:
Aino Kola, soprano
Katariina Lappi, soprano
Sanna Kola, mezzo-soprano
Kristina Raudanen, contralto
Heikki Korhonen, baritone
Matti Torhamo, baritone

Esclamazione! – Turku Early Music Festival 2019

Turku Early Music society’s five-year anniversary festival consists of four concerts this autumn.

  • Saturday 19th October at 6 p.m. – Music for historical instruments in the Qwensel House. Juhani Listo, cornett and baroque trumpet, Mikko Multamäki, viola da gamba and Tuomas Kourula, theorbo, perform music from the 16th and 17th centuries. Tickets 20/15 (members 10 €)
  • Sunday the 22nd September 2019 at 6 p.m. – Duo Medieval (Anneliina Rif and Uli Kontu-Korhonen) performs medieval music in Parainen church. A lecture on the early music instruments used in the performance after the concert. Entrance free, program 10€
  • Saturday the 28th September 2019 at 3 p.m. – Festival celebration concert in Turku Castle. A large festival orchestra and other performers play music by Purcell and Telemann, among others. Tickets 25/15€ (members of Turku Early Music society 10€)
  • Friday 11th October at 7 p.m. – Dowland: The First Booke of Songes in Café Art. Repeat concert from last spring, John Dowland’s masterful songbook performed in historically informed style by Sanna Kola, mezzo-soprano and Tuomas Kourula, lute. Tickets 20/15€ (members 10€)


  • Friday the 10th of May 2019 at 6.30 p.m. in the Qwensel house

John Dowland: The First Booke of Songes

One of the finest and most famous songbooks in the world, John Downland’s The First Booke of Songes from 1597, performed in period style and in the authentic 18th century setting of the Qwensel House museum in Turku. Sanna Kola, mezzo soprano with Tuomas Kourula, lute.

Tickets 20/15€ 

  • March 23rd 2019 at the Turku Castle
Princess’ dream, or , How the dragon was vanguished

The classic tale of the Sleeping Beauty returns to its origins, as the Duke’s musicians of the Early Music Society along with the young students from Turku conservatory of Music take us through the familiar story, featuring many musical treasures from the 16th and 17th centuries.

This concert is suitable for people of all ages. Narrated in Finnish and Swedish.

Tickets: 12/8 €, 0-1-year-olds 0 €

  • December 15th at 3 p.m. at restaurant Koulu 

The Most Beautiful Old Carols

I fortunati (Topias Tiheäsalo, baroque guitar & Tuomas Kourula, theorbo) with  Maikki Säikkä & Katariina Lappi (sopranos) and Pauliina Isomäki (recorders) perform old Christmastime music.

Tickets 15/10€ at the door

  • November 27th 2018 at 7 p.m. at Wäinö Aaltonen’s museum:

A concert by vocal band Cavalier. Music from the Middle Ages, with compositions also from the Renaissance period.

  • Aino Kola ja Katariina Lappi, sopranos
  • Sanna Kola, mezzo-soprano
  • Kristina Raudanen, alto
  • Heikki Korhonen, baritone
  • Matti Torhamo, baritone
  • November 10th 2018 at6 p.m. at the church of St. Mary
    (Maunu Tavastin katu 2, Turku)

Dal morte alla vita – From Death to Life. Baroque ensemble I fortunati plays music from the 17th century. Monteverdi, Sances, Agneletti and Carissimi take the listeners through a many-faceted journey from deep sorrow into joy.

Anneliina Koskinen & Maikki Säikkä, sopranos
Topias Tiheäsalo, baroque guitar
Tuomas Kourula, theorbo

  • October 14th 2018 Tampere cathedral 

A concert by Turku and Tampere early music societies

Debra Gomez-Tapio, artistic director and harps
Janek Öller, recorders
Aira Maria Lehtipuu, violin
Ilpo Laspas, organ and harpsichord

Anu Mattila, Kaisa Kelloniemi, sopranos
Anna Edgren, Elina Aho-Kuusama, altos
Juho Punkeri, Mats Lillhannus, tenors
Lauri Solin, Pekka Alonen, basses

  • August 26th 2018 at 6 p.m. and 7 p.m. in the Qwensel house:

Bellman Trio visits Turku to give a concert.

  • August 16th 2018 at 4-9 p.m. Night of the arts

Turku Early Music Society members perform at various places along the Aura river